IAY (PMAYG) Aawas Yojana List

प्रधान मंत्री आवास योजना की लिस्ट में अपना नाम देख सकते है ग्रामीण इलाको में रहने वाले आवास योजना की हर लिस्ट यहा से चेक कर सकते है आपको जो भी लिस्ट निकालनी है उस लिंक पर क्लिक करके रिपोर्ट देख सकते है
शहरी Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Online

A. Physical Progress Reports

  1. Year wise house completed report
  2. High level physical progress report
  3. Gap between Stages: Target to Account Verification
  4. Gap between Stages: Account Verification to House Completion
  5. Gap in entry of Targets
  6. Panchayat wise incomplete houses(drillable upto beneficiaries level

B. Financial Progress Reports

  1. Annual target and allocation
  2. Unit assistance and installment details
  3. High level financial progress report[New]
  4. Available fund as per MIS
  5. Sanction order [2018-2019] [2017-2018]

C. Social Progress Reports

  1. Gender-wise houses sanctioned and completed
  2. Category-wise houses sanctioned and completed

D. GIS Reports

  1. Scheme wise and inspection level wise status of mobile app data
  2. Abstract Mobile Inspection Report.

E. SECC Reports

  1. Category-wise SECC data summary
  2. Status of priority list verification by gram sabha
  3. Status of Mapped SECC Villages to GPs of AwaasSoft
  4. Category-wise SECC data Verification Summary

F. E-FMS Reports

  1. Account verification abstract
  2. Fund transfer order (FTO) abstract
  3. DSC enrollment status
  4. Debit account details
  5. Beneficiaries registered,accounts frozen and verified
  6. FTO transaction summary
  7. Accounts for which same installment payment initiated twice
  8. Beneficiaries for whom same installment payment initiated twice
  9. Payments rejected by bank
  10. FTO pendency with banks
  11. FTO transaction summary[ Installment Wise ]
  12. Category wise FTO generated
  13. Identified false success/reject cases

G. Convergence Reports

  1. Status of Aadhar/Job Card/SBM/SECC/Mobile no. seeded in MIS
  2. Status of Aadhar/MGNREGA Job Card no. abstract
  3. House Sanction vs Work Creation in MGNREGA
  4. Convergence with PM Ujjawala Yojana

H. Social Audit Reports

  1. Beneficiary details for verification

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